Sunday, November 30, 2014

#11 Work and KE

Work and KE


we did not take the picture of the set up,
this one is from the other classmate
    We knew that work come out with different types of energy. Today we are going to find that kinetic energy doing work on the cart. We hang the spring on the cart and release the cart when the spring strict. We set up the motion sensor and force senor to collect the date.


   Object gain speed or lose speed base on the work on it, due to Fnet do on it.
we do work: integral of x with changing F= (1/2)mv^2


  Before we release the cart, we tie another side of the spring on the force senor. We collect both date.

mass=600g= 0.6kg

The force senor find the date is the read line figure. We integral it by position as the
 red area =  1.154 m*N
Then we find the changing kinetic energy by speed which came to 2.173m/s from 0.780m/s
(1/2) m*v1^2 - (1/2)m*v2^2 = 0.5*0.6*2.173*2.173-0.5*0.6*0.78*0.78=1.234m*N


We get  1.154 m*N from force and 1.234m*N from speed
have a error about 6% said that our result is close enough