Sunday, September 28, 2014

#5 Projectile motion activity/lab

Projectile motion activity/lab


Moving object have inertia. If the object do not any force except of the gravity on it, the object will do constant speed at the horizontal component. This lab we set up the apparatus as the figure. That we can have the same V0 every time I roll the ball. We have to calculate the first experiment we do then expect the second experiment result which add a board on the apparatus.


steel ball, aluminum V-channel, board, ring stand, clamp, carbon paper
carbon paper            aluminum V-channel

Measure the height and how far it hit the carbon paper. We can use those information to calculate the falling time and the V0. Then measure the angle can calculate where will the steel ball except to fall at the board. 


First, roll the steal ball and that it fall on the ground, and put the carbon paper at where it fall at last time that we can record the falling point.
Second, fall the ball 5 times to find the average falling point
Then set the broad and measure the angle.
Then, using the information we have to guess where will it fall on.


this is what we measure

This is how I calculate 

I find our initial velocity which is V0=1.4m/s 
Then find the distance it will fall on the board

Finally, I except the ball will traveled the board on distance= 46.073cm
We let the ball roll again and got 46cm for the result


Our experiment compare with the expect can find
 an error is (46-46.073)/46.073=-0.158%
It means we are AWESOME! and really close to the experiment.
Beside, we can sure that the gravity cannot affect the horizontal component speed.

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