Friday, October 3, 2014

#8 Centripetal acceleration as a function of angular speed

Centripetal acceleration as a function of angular speed 


We know that the whirling object have centripetal acceleration, but we can really see it.
the activity we done in class is trying to find the relationship between angular speed and centripetal acceleration.


Those are 6 date that we find in class 

we use the timer to measure the time it row 5 rounds that is 5T. By this way we can find more exactly what we want to get

Using angular speed w=2 π/T
then we got w and a
finally we can draw the graph of the relationship between angular speed and centripetal acceleration.


Because of the slope is mustily like a straight line, we can say that the relationship between angular speed and centripetal acceleration fit the ac=w^2 *R which is the rule we always use to find the angler speed. 

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