Thursday, December 4, 2014

#12 Spring

Energy of the Spring


In this lab we use the spring and the hanging mass to calculate the total energy which include our mass kinetic energy, elastic potential energy, gravitational potential energy to find that the total energy stay same when our mass go bouncing. We use logger pro to collect date from our experiment.

We set up like this figure. We put a piece of paper on it that the motion sensor can easily collect our date from the experiment.


This is the date we collect from the motion sensor. We get time, position, velocity, and accelerate. 
Then now we can write the energy calculation on the logger pro.

All we need is Kinetic Energy of mass, Elastic potential energy, Gravitational Potential Energy of mass, Kinetic Energy of spring, Gravitational Potential Energy of spring.

KE= 1/2*m*v^2                                      KES= 1/2*(1/3mass of spring)*( v of spring)^2

GPE= m*g*h( position of mass)           GPEs= (1/2 mass of spring)*g*(position of the center mass of the spring)

EPE= 1/2*k*x^2
this is our date
add it all and we get the total energy


By our experiment, we can see our total energy is bounding around +and- 0.0125 which mean without the error we can say that the total energy stay the same value about 0.482J.
Beside, we see that the total energy decreasing slowly which mean the system may have some other resistance like air resistance doing work on it.  

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