Friday, December 5, 2014

Moment of Inertia

Moment of Inertia


First of all, we get a pulley and cart in this lab. what we try to do is calculate the date we have and expect the experiment result. We find the pulley inertia then that it hang our cart. We calculate when the cart go 1 m far and do the experiment.
collect the date
we capture the video and find x and y axis speed

and this is what we get

find the total speed and use the logger pro to find our changing angular speed
that is how we find the angular acceleration= 2.385 rad/s^2

then now we calculate the inertia =0.021 kg*m^2

after we get those date we are able to calculate time which cart go  1m


use inertia and angular acceleration find torque =0.005

so that we get 9.247s in our calculation 

in our experiment we do three time and our final average time is 9.3 s
Is amazing! we do it almost the same result 


so the error we have is about 0.5% 
our experiment is really success and make us understand how to calculate the inertia stuff 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! It's nice when you can model a physical system and have your model be so good at making predictions.
