Friday, December 5, 2014

#14 Impulse-Momentum Activity

Impulse - Momentum Activity


 This activity is trying to measure the Impulse Momentum by two different way
1) the changing momentum which is come from changing velocity
2) integral of the force by time  =Fdt

we set up motion sensor, force senor, and cart like this: (but we actually hit on the force senor instead of magnetic)
we did take the photo so i found this here 

In this activity we do 3 part 
1) normal one, the cart with nothing 
2) we put 50g mass on the cart
3) we make it hit the sensor and stop there 

So here we start the experiment,  we use the motion sensor and force sensor get the date like this 

Part 1

We give cart speed and then hit on the force senor see how the impulse work on the car
Found that our impulse
by force sensor    = integral of force = 0.8925
by motion sensor  =  0.523+0.475=0.998 
the error is about 10% 

Part 2

 Then add mass

We give cart speed,mass and then hit on the force senor see how the impulse work on the car
Found that our impulse
by force sensor    = integral of force =1.115
by motion sensor  =  1.223 
the error is about 8.8% 


Put clay in front of the cart

Found that our impulse (we miss one pic of the integral but I have this date)
by force sensor    = integral of force =0.312
by motion sensor  =  0.331
the error is about 5%


Look back the date we collect and calculate we can see that we impulse momentum can use two different way as the changing momentum and the integral of the force
and we also can say that whatever the cart go, this two way to find the impulse momentum can both find the same result

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